Staging your Primary Closet | Leigh Kaminsky, Realtor

One feature at the top of most homebuyers’ wish lists is ample storage space. As a realtor working with both buyers and sellers, I can confirm that buyers frequently inspect closets, particularly in the primary bedroom. Given its importance, it’s crucial for sellers to showcase the storage capabilities of their home in the best light possible.

A common pitfall among sellers is the act of decluttering their living spaces only to transfer the clutter into their closets. This strategy will backfire when buyers, who invariably inspect storage spaces, are greeted by closets stuffed with items. Such a sight can instantly make your home less desirable, as it suggests a lack of sufficient storage space. Even spacious closets can appear cramped and inadequate if not presented properly.

To avoid this, here are some strategies for staging your closets in a manner that not only maximizes their appeal but also highlights the storage potential of your home to prospective buyers:


Step 1: Deep Clean

Begin by completely emptying your closet to conduct a thorough cleaning. This initial step is crucial as it sets the stage for successful staging by providing a clean, blank canvas. Take the time to dust and wipe down shelves and surfaces, ensuring that every part of the closet is spotless. This meticulous preparation will not go unnoticed by potential buyers.


Step 2: Paint

Once your closet is empty and clean, consider applying a fresh coat of paint. Choosing a light, neutral color for the walls can transform the space, making it appear larger and more inviting. Neutral tones such as soft beige, light gray, or classic white can brighten the closet and reflect more light, creating a sense of spaciousness. This fresh and polished look will be attractive to potential buyers.


Step 3: Maximize Space by Minimizing Contents

The primary strategy in closet staging is to declutter. A crowded closet often gives the impression of limited space. By removing unnecessary items and retaining only the essentials, you create an appearance of ample storage and versatile use. A useful rule of thumb is to remove items you haven’t worn in a year, as it’s likely you won’t wear them again. Separate these clothes and consider donating or discarding them. Look at it this way; when you move, you’ll need to organize and declutter your belongings anyway. Tackling this task now can save you the hassle later and make your property more attractive to buyers immediately.

As you declutter, keep these guidelines in mind: the back wall of your closet should be visible; aim for 20-30% of the closet space to be open; ensure there is at least one inch of space between each hanger; and keep the closet floor clear of any items.


Step 4: Improve Visibility with Adequate Lighting

Ensure your closet is well-lit by maximizing the wattage of overhead lights and choosing bulbs with a soft white hue. For dark corners, consider easy-to-install, battery-operated LED lights. These inexpensive additions can dramatically improve the perception of space and make your closet more inviting.


Step 5: Choose Opaque Storage Solutions

While transparent bins are great for convenience and organization, they tend to visually clutter the closet. Opt for opaque storage bins instead. You can choose neutral colors or add splashes of bright colors to enhance the closet’s style. These bins help conceal items neatly, giving the closet a tidy and spacious appearance.


Step 6: Uniformity in Hangers

Using matching hangers significantly improves the visual appearance of your closet. Avoid mismatched and metal hangers, as they can make your closet look disorganized. Wooden hangers or hangers of the same color and style provide a uniform, clean look. Affordable options are available at retailers like IKEA, Walmart, and dollar stores. Also, ensure all hangers face the same direction.


Step 7: Strategically Arrange Clothes

Organize your clothes by color and then by type within each color group. This method costs nothing but can greatly enhance the organizational appeal of your closet. Place your nicer clothes at the front to make a good first impression.




By meticulously applying these strategies, you can transform your closets into appealing features that stand out to potential buyers, thereby boosting the overall appeal and marketability of your home. Remember, the goal is to present your home’s storage solutions not just as adequate, but as abundant and versatile, appealing to the desires and needs of today’s homebuyers.


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